Gráfica Mexicana

- Catalog of Works from the Taller de Gráfica Popular -
Catálogo de obras del Taller de Gráfica Popular

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Filter: By Series, "12 Tarjetas postales T.G.P. - con doce obras de artistas del Taller de Gráfica Popular, México. Serie 3"
Year: 1948
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Records Returned: 12 works
12 Contributing Artists: Ignacio Aguirre, Raúl Anguiano, Roberto Beredecio, Ángel Bracho, Fernando Castro Pacheco, José Chávez Morado, Leopoldo Méndez, Francisco Mora, Pablo O'Higgins, Isidoro Ocampo, Ramón Sosamontes, Alfredo Zalce,
Media: Grabado en linóleo, Litografía,
Aguirre, Ignacio. s/f
"Mujer en la cola de carbón" (12 Tarjetas postales T.G.P. - con doce obras de artistas del Taller de Gráfica Popular, México. Serie 3), 1948.
Portafolios y Ediciones, Litografía.
10.7(h) x 15(w) cms.
Catalog #: 7538
Source Info: Prignitz 772
Notes: At bottom, front cover reads "Editado por 'La Estampa Mexicana'-1948. Dir: Apartado Postal 8367, México, D.F." Title is also displayed in English on the inside of the postcard holder: "12 Illustrated Post Cards T.G.P. - 12 Pictures by Artists of the 'Taller de Gráfica Popular' Mexico." Indexes of the series collection with artist, title, medium and date, are included on the inside flap of each postcard packet. Collection Bardach, prov. Seymore Kaplan Collection. Prignitz writes, "...coordinadas por Hannes Meyer, con reproducciones de las obras más difundidas.." p. 358. Original date of this particular work is 1946.
Anguiano, Raúl. s/f
"Qué dicen, calandrias..." (12 Tarjetas postales T.G.P. - con doce obras de artistas del Taller de Gráfica Popular, México. Serie 3), 1948.
Portafolios y Ediciones, Litografía.
10.7(h) x 15(w) cms.
Catalog #: 7539
Source Info: Prignitz 773
Notes: At bottom, front cover reads "Editado por 'La Estampa Mexicana'-1948. Dir: Apartado Postal 8367, México, D.F." Title is also displayed in English on the inside of the postcard holder: "12 Illustrated Post Cards T.G.P. - 12 Pictures by Artists of the 'Taller de Gráfica Popular' Mexico." Indexes of the series collection with artist, title, medium and date, are included on the inside flap of each postcard packet. Collection Bardach, prov. Seymore Kaplan Collection. Prignitz writes, "...coordinadas por Hannes Meyer, con reproducciones de las obras más difundidas.." p. 358. Original date of this particular work is 1939.
Beredecio, Roberto. s/f
"Retrato de muchacha" (12 Tarjetas postales T.G.P. - con doce obras de artistas del Taller de Gráfica Popular, México. Serie 3), 1948.
Portafolios y Ediciones, Litografía.
10.7(h) x 15(w) cms.
Catalog #: 7540
Source Info: Prignitz 774
Notes: At bottom, front cover reads "Editado por 'La Estampa Mexicana'-1948. Dir: Apartado Postal 8367, México, D.F." Title is also displayed in English on the inside of the postcard holder: "12 Illustrated Post Cards T.G.P. - 12 Pictures by Artists of the 'Taller de Gráfica Popular' Mexico." Indexes of the series collection with artist, title, medium and date, are included on the inside flap of each postcard packet. Collection Bardach, prov. Seymore Kaplan Collection. Prignitz writes, "...coordinadas por Hannes Meyer, con reproducciones de las obras más difundidas.." p. 358. Original date of this particular work is 1947.
Bracho, Ángel. s/f
"El puente y el tilichero" (12 Tarjetas postales T.G.P. - con doce obras de artistas del Taller de Gráfica Popular, México. Serie 3), 1948.
Portafolios y Ediciones, Litografía.
10.7(h) x 15(w) cms.
Catalog #: 7541
Source Info: Prignitz 775
Notes: At bottom, front cover reads "Editado por 'La Estampa Mexicana'-1948. Dir: Apartado Postal 8367, México, D.F." Title is also displayed in English on the inside of the postcard holder: "12 Illustrated Post Cards T.G.P. - 12 Pictures by Artists of the 'Taller de Gráfica Popular' Mexico." Indexes of the series collection with artist, title, medium and date, are included on the inside flap of each postcard packet. Collection Bardach, prov. Seymore Kaplan Collection. Prignitz writes, "...coordinadas por Hannes Meyer, con reproducciones de las obras más difundidas.." p. 358. Original date of this particular work is 1946.
Castro Pacheco, Fernando. s/f
"Campesinos revolucionarios" (12 Tarjetas postales T.G.P. - con doce obras de artistas del Taller de Gráfica Popular, México. Serie 3), 1948.
Portafolios y Ediciones, Grabado en linóleo.
10.7(h) x 15(w) cms.
Catalog #: 7542
Source Info: Prignitz 776
Notes: At bottom, front cover reads "Editado por 'La Estampa Mexicana'-1948. Dir: Apartado Postal 8367, México, D.F." Title is also displayed in English on the inside of the postcard holder: "12 Illustrated Post Cards T.G.P. - 12 Pictures by Artists of the 'Taller de Gráfica Popular' Mexico." Indexes of the series collection with artist, title, medium and date, are included on the inside flap of each postcard packet. Collection Bardach, prov. Seymore Kaplan Collection. Prignitz writes, "...coordinadas por Hannes Meyer, con reproducciones de las obras más difundidas.." p. 358. Original date of this particular work is 1945.
Chávez Morado, José. s/f
"Calavera" (12 Tarjetas postales T.G.P. - con doce obras de artistas del Taller de Gráfica Popular, México. Serie 3), 1948.
Portafolios y Ediciones, Grabado en linóleo.
10.7(h) x 15(w) cms.
Catalog #: 7543
Source Info: Prignitz 777
Notes: At bottom, front cover reads "Editado por 'La Estampa Mexicana'-1948. Dir: Apartado Postal 8367, México, D.F." Title is also displayed in English on the inside of the postcard holder: "12 Illustrated Post Cards T.G.P. - 12 Pictures by Artists of the 'Taller de Gráfica Popular' Mexico." Indexes of the series collection with artist, title, medium and date, are included on the inside flap of each postcard packet. Collection Bardach, prov. Seymore Kaplan Collection. Prignitz writes, "...coordinadas por Hannes Meyer, con reproducciones de las obras más difundidas.." p. 358. Original date of this particular work is 1942.
Méndez, Leopoldo. s/f
"Deportación a la muerte" (12 Tarjetas postales T.G.P. - con doce obras de artistas del Taller de Gráfica Popular, México. Serie 3), 1948.
Portafolios y Ediciones, Litografía.
10.7(h) x 15(w) cms.
Catalog #: 7544
Source Info: Prignitz 778
Notes: At bottom, front cover reads "Editado por 'La Estampa Mexicana'-1948. Dir: Apartado Postal 8367, México, D.F." Title is also displayed in English on the inside of the postcard holder: "12 Illustrated Post Cards T.G.P. - 12 Pictures by Artists of the 'Taller de Gráfica Popular' Mexico." Indexes of the series collection with artist, title, medium and date, are included on the inside flap of each postcard packet. Collection Bardach, prov. Seymore Kaplan Collection. Prignitz writes, "...coordinadas por Hannes Meyer, con reproducciones de las obras más difundidas.." p. 358. Original date of this particular work is 1942.
Mora, Francisco. s/f
"La raspa" (12 Tarjetas postales T.G.P. - con doce obras de artistas del Taller de Gráfica Popular, México. Serie 3), 1948.
Portafolios y Ediciones, Litografía.
10.7(h) x 15(w) cms.
Catalog #: 7545
Source Info: Prignitz 779
Notes: At bottom, front cover reads "Editado por 'La Estampa Mexicana'-1948. Dir: Apartado Postal 8367, México, D.F." Title is also displayed in English on the inside of the postcard holder: "12 Illustrated Post Cards T.G.P. - 12 Pictures by Artists of the 'Taller de Gráfica Popular' Mexico." Indexes of the series collection with artist, title, medium and date, are included on the inside flap of each postcard packet. Collection Bardach, prov. Seymore Kaplan Collection. Prignitz writes, "...coordinadas por Hannes Meyer, con reproducciones de las obras más difundidas.." p. 358. Original date of this particular work is 1944.
O'Higgins, Pablo. s/f
"Retrato" (12 Tarjetas postales T.G.P. - con doce obras de artistas del Taller de Gráfica Popular, México. Serie 3), 1948.
Portafolios y Ediciones, Litografía.
10.7(h) x 15(w) cms.
Catalog #: 7547
Source Info: Prignitz 781
Notes: At bottom, front cover reads "Editado por 'La Estampa Mexicana'-1948. Dir: Apartado Postal 8367, México, D.F." Title is also displayed in English on the inside of the postcard holder: "12 Illustrated Post Cards T.G.P. - 12 Pictures by Artists of the 'Taller de Gráfica Popular' Mexico." Indexes of the series collection with artist, title, medium and date, are included on the inside flap of each postcard packet. Collection Bardach, prov. Seymore Kaplan Collection. Prignitz writes, "...coordinadas por Hannes Meyer, con reproducciones de las obras más difundidas.." p. 358. Original date of this particular work is 1948.
Ocampo, Isidoro. s/f
"Boleros y perros" (12 Tarjetas postales T.G.P. - con doce obras de artistas del Taller de Gráfica Popular, México. Serie 3), 1948.
Portafolios y Ediciones, Litografía.
10.7(h) x 15(w) cms.
Catalog #: 7546
Source Info: Prignitz 780
Notes: At bottom, front cover reads "Editado por 'La Estampa Mexicana'-1948. Dir: Apartado Postal 8367, México, D.F." Title is also displayed in English on the inside of the postcard holder: "12 Illustrated Post Cards T.G.P. - 12 Pictures by Artists of the 'Taller de Gráfica Popular' Mexico." Indexes of the series collection with artist, title, medium and date, are included on the inside flap of each postcard packet. Collection Bardach, prov. Seymore Kaplan Collection. Prignitz writes, "...coordinadas por Hannes Meyer, con reproducciones de las obras más difundidas.." p. 358. Original date of this particular work is 1939.
Sosamontes, Ramón. s/f
"Mujer otomí" (12 Tarjetas postales T.G.P. - con doce obras de artistas del Taller de Gráfica Popular, México. Serie 3), 1948.
Portafolios y Ediciones, Litografía.
10.7(h) x 15(w) cms.
Catalog #: 7548
Source Info: Prignitz 782
Notes: At bottom, front cover reads "Editado por 'La Estampa Mexicana'-1948. Dir: Apartado Postal 8367, México, D.F." Title is also displayed in English on the inside of the postcard holder: "12 Illustrated Post Cards T.G.P. - 12 Pictures by Artists of the 'Taller de Gráfica Popular' Mexico." Indexes of the series collection with artist, title, medium and date, are included on the inside flap of each postcard packet. Collection Bardach, prov. Seymore Kaplan Collection. Prignitz writes, "...coordinadas por Hannes Meyer, con reproducciones de las obras más difundidas.." p. 358. Original date of this particular work is omitted.
Zalce, Alfredo. s/f
"En la hamaca" (12 Tarjetas postales T.G.P. - con doce obras de artistas del Taller de Gráfica Popular, México. Serie 3), 1948.
Portafolios y Ediciones, Litografía.
10.7(h) x 15(w) cms.
Catalog #: 7549
Source Info: Prignitz 783
Notes: At bottom, front cover reads "Editado por 'La Estampa Mexicana'-1948. Dir: Apartado Postal 8367, México, D.F." Title is also displayed in English on the inside of the postcard holder: "12 Illustrated Post Cards T.G.P. - 12 Pictures by Artists of the 'Taller de Gráfica Popular' Mexico." Indexes of the series collection with artist, title, medium and date, are included on the inside flap of each postcard packet. Collection Bardach, prov. Seymore Kaplan Collection. Prignitz writes, "...coordinadas por Hannes Meyer, con reproducciones de las obras más difundidas.." p. 358. Original date of this particular work is 1946. Please also see catalog numbers 3321 and 7295.

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